Not all waters

are the same

Natural mineral waters are characterized, among other features by a constant mineralization. Each water is different from the rest based on composition, the percentage of minerals found in it. The final composition of natural mineral water depends on many factors, some of them resulting from the water’s place of origination (rock composition, porosity…) others inherent to liquid element itself (such as pH, temperature…)

It is the water’s origin what makes it different, what makes it unique.

The most common elements found in natural mineral waters are the so-called ‘major elements’, which usually are mostly calcium, magnesium, sodium, bicarbonates, sulphites and silica. These are present in a few milligrams per litre in low-mineralization waters up to some grams per litre in higher-mineralization. We bottlers of natural mineral waters are in the obligation of disclosing in the product label the chemical composition. Thus, consumers have the option of choosing that natural mineral water that bets suits their needs or preferences.

Not all waters

are the same

Dry residue

It is the mineral residue of the water after undergoing a controlled evaporation process.
Between two waters subject to comparison, that having a higher dry residue is said to be more mineralized. It is important to pay attention to the analysis’ individual parameters in order to find out the minerals comprising such resulting dry residue. There may be two waters with the same dry residue, but it does not necessarily mean they are equal regarding mineral composition.

Not all waters

are the same

Not all waters

are the same


less is better

Sodium comparison*
Health professionals generally recommend low-sodium water.

Low-sodium water is indicated for the preparation of infant foods and low-sodium diets.


more is better

Magnesium comparison* mg/l
Recommended allowances** 17-35

Magnesium helps fix calcium and phosphor in bones and teeth.

* Figures in the graphics have been obtained from the labels of the above-mentioned brands, save for typographical errors.
** According to F. Kozisek in his report entitled Health Risks From Drinking Demineralised Water, prepared for the World Health Organization, Geneva 2004.


more is better
Bicarbonates comparison* mg/l
Recommended allowances** 250-500

High digestive power. Bicarbonates have a neutralizing effect of gastric secretions, thus stimulating and promoting a good digestion.


more is better
Calcium comparison* mg/l
Recommended allowances** 30-90

Calcium plays an important role in the strengthening of bones and teeth. It is especially recommended in time of growth and for the elder.

* Figures in the graphics have been obtained from the labels of the above-mentioned brands, save for typographical errors.
** According to F. Kozisek in his report entitled Health Risks From Drinking Demineralised Water, prepared for the World Health Organization, Geneva 2004.

2009 Agua Sierra de Cazorla S.A. Explotaciones Internacionales Acuíferas S.A.Todos los derechos reservados [Aviso legal] [Política de Privacidad] [Cookies]